K.T.B liber Maison d’Edition Libre is a purely philanthropic project and has no motivation interested in the money, the profit or the appropriation of the work of our authors. Our structure is that of a non-profit association whose income depends only on the administrators in a free and free will without other conditions than those which frame the works and their way of existing by the idea that claims the association .

Our point of interest is concentrated in the publication of “books” or anything that can be laid out. Also, the idea is simple: give everyone the possibility of being able to edit a book or an idea, or drawings, sheet music, dreams, anger, fantasies, nonsense, solutions, errors. So much that we know of our minds capable of being put under the protection of a book and which, in time, never perishes.

We exist because we want to, because we had to travel, believe, listen, read, play, write and dream in this constantly changing world and if the idea of ​​one can bring up the ideas of tomorrow, we think that the Book, the Book object, in all its history, in all its symbolism, remains and will remain the free matter and the physics which says that a written dream, even small, is already the biggest dream for those and those who want to dream in the words composed by our hands and our thoughts.

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do not hesitate to contact us from

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