Our publishing house is not traditional. Also, we favor the human meeting for any works likely to be published by us. There are four steps to know when editing with Us:
-First stage-
A first meeting is made between the author and the founders. We discuss, we meet and talk about the ethical aspects of our engagement, the role that the author must play in his engagement and the publishing conditions at K.T.B liber. We are also talking about the work of the author, the work itself which could be edited and simply, we are speaking humanely with joy and respect for others. In addition, to prepare for the second meeting, we ask the author to bring us the manuscript of his work in PDF format (any other format will be refused).
-Second step-
If the conditions of the first stage agreed to both parties, we suggest a second meeting to talk more specifically about the work. That is to say: legal notices related to publishing, the aesthetics of books, the means of circulation, obligations related to a publishing house, protection of the work, content. In addition, we ensure that the author’s intentions are in line with our ethics and the convictions of KTB liber, that it is not only a question of making a book and circulating it but of understanding it. the action proper for future authors and to freely contribute to its birth by helping us to prepare and build it (Our books are handmade in some cases). At this second stage, we write on paper the conclusion of this meeting to prepare then the third stage and of course, we do a first reading of the manuscript.
-Third step-
It is here that everything begins to take shape. We read the work, we then discuss the different points necessary for the presentation of the book; ie the editorial line of KTB liber (layout, correction, presentation etc.) We will then have to intervene on the original writing to lay it out according to the editorial conditions of KTB liber but also for corrections, shells etc. In addition, we are starting to draft a contract necessary for the circulation of books and for a good administrative agreement between the author and K.T.B liber. Draft which will allow to summarize everything that has been exchanged between the author and K.T.B liber but also to decide the number of copies, protection etc. We also discuss the formalities related to the author’s dissemination on the NET via our site. Exchanges by e-mail are necessary between this stage and the fourth.
-Fourth step-
We meet to present to the author the book that will circulate, its correction and the last points to observe together. We then take stock of the contract conditions which we have the author read on the spot. Both parties can make any changes at this time before signing. When everything is ready, a final point is made on the whole project and a date is set for the circulation of the Books. The contract is signed and a copy of the book is sent to the National Library of France automatically before any circulation. We then inform, by e-mail, that the book is in legal deposit.
The book is ready to travel with a part of each of Us.
-To know-
- The time dimension is important in these four stages. Authors are likely to be blocked by distance or other constraints. Also, be aware that we only publish every 6 month for a total of books which is estimated between 2 and 4 books. (300 copies per book and author.) It is easier to plan meetings between the different quarters and to predict when the works will circulate. (for example for a meeting made in the first quarter of the 2014/2015 school year and considering that constraints of distances or others have slowed down the stages, it is perfectly possible that the book is in circulation for the second or third quarter. ) Also, we ask you to take your pain patiently as much as we take it for the success of each project !
- K.T.B liber does not change anything in the content of a work. It only provides its opinion, its advice, its correction if necessary and its perception. Nevertheless, K.T.B liber is the only judge to decide on the circulation of a work proposed to our Association. We study with patience all the works both in the ideas they contain and the messages they bring. From this patience, we decide if the content does not spread foul-smelling ideas, for the purpose of indoctrination or ideology or praising historical negationist or criminal facts.
- It is not our job but our passion and this passion must be born of hopes, respect and humanity.
- Remember to protect the books if you come across one !! The days are not always sunny and we are counting on you to save them from the weather. Put them under a bus shelter, a train station, under a porch or a suitable place where it could be taken unless it was you who took it!